The Democratic Opposition
In the Governors race the announced Democratic Opposition candidates are
1) Jerry Springer: T.V. Host of Daily Variety Show
2) Michael B. Coleman: Columbus Mayor
3) Ted Strikland: U.S. Representative from Lisbon (District 6 - all Eastern counties except for Trumbull & Ashtabula)
Springer cites his assets as name recognition; ability to finance campaign; and ability to raise money ($300,000 for other candidates). When told that people perceive him as nothing more than a T.V. clown, he responds by saying bring it on, this is not about me because the Democratic opposition can raise neither money, nor be successful.
It should be noted that the Republican establishment controls the Ohio state governor's house as well as the General Assembly, both Representative and Senator, by wide margins.
Things would seem to bode poorly for the Repbulicans around the corner with the approaching Death Star (Star Wars reference) of the rich discriminating against the poor, increase in taxes, and loss of high-paying, steady jobs.
Lately the Supreme Court has handed down 4 decisions, which state that Ohio's method of paying for public schools by an overreliance on property taxes has caused inequities between the rich and poor school districts. Furthermore the State has lost white collar jobs to Iowa (Hoover moves headquarters) and and blue collar jobs (Timkin ball-bearing plant in Canton closes).
So the Democratic mantra is:
a. Schools suck.
b. Jobs suck.
c. Taxes are up.
d. Vote for change.
However, Blackwells ace-in-the-hole is his independence from the RINO establishment. He protested then and now the increase in taxes and has laid out a proposal to fix the tax increase.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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