Saturday, November 27, 2004

'Challengers' - Blackwell VI.C (continued)

At the year's close (2003) a look back on the previous year's activity showed that Governor Bob Taft uttered not one official word of either support or criticism for Blackwell's efforts. Not a single press release from the governor's office made any mention whatsoever of the efforts of Ohio's SoS. Taft never even acknowledged any of Blackwell's activities.

* Admittedly, this was the year of invading Iraq and the President's tax-cuts had not yet taken full effect thereby stimulating the economy out of recession and into recovery. As a consequence Ohio, at this time, was running budget deficits, losing jobs, and feeling the effects of the Clinton recession, which had occurred when the tech bubble burst. Taft made the budget worse with his tax increase on gasoline, increase in the state sales tax, and a tax of non-essential services. Blackwell characterized Taft and the Legislature's actions as "Ohio is headed head first into an economic death spiral"

* The presidential campaign was already up and running with Howard Dean exploding onto the scene by criticizing President Bush's Iraq War policy, even in spite of the fall of Bahgdad and the capture of Saddam Hussein. Kerry was shifting in the wind and the rest of the democrats looked to be doing badly. The Iowa and New Hampshire primaries were just around the corner.

* Yet Taft clamped his trap set and never even thanked Blackwell for any of his work for better voting machines. He may, however, have felt emboldened at his re-election to the governor's office and thereby decided to focus on his agenda rather than the SoS's, and admittedly Blackwell is the state's chief election's officer and so he must complete the work. Taft's publication "year in review" again failed to mention any work done by SoS Blackwell.

* Perhaps more could have been accomplished if the governor had uttered any word of support. None of Governor Taft's last four State of the State address from 2001 - 2005 ever made even the slightest mention of Secretary Blackwell's efforts. There was not one word breathed at all.

* At the national level, besides Representative Bob Ney no Congressional Representative nor Ohio Senator publicly acted to help Secretary Blackwell. Admittedly they serve their consituencies and deal with national and international issues, and Blackwell deals with the local state-wide issues, but they could have issued a press statement in favor of Blackwell. Instead they just passively supported Rep. Ney's bill. Very few if any ever uttered a single word of support. They only needed to say some word. Just one. Any.

* The storm clouds were black, the thunder could be heard, and lightning flashes seen within the clouds. All around it was deathly calm and even the animals had taken cover. The humidity made every pore feel clogged and the lungs had to really work at taking a breath. It felt suffocating, very suffocating. It was a prarie storm and a doozy of one at that...

* Yet a lonely figure still strides across the cornfields, just doin' his chores.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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