Thursday, November 25, 2004

Blackwell: Stalinist protegee

The left is at it again. A liberal website, not content enough to name Ohio SOS J. Kenneth Blackwell its GOP Hypocrite of the Week, has labelled Blackwell a Stalinist for the following reasons:

1) supressing the vote;
2) advocating the pro-marriage act,
3) wanting to murder gays
3) helping BC'04 win the Ohio election
4) demanding that all ballots be printed on 80 lb paper weight, (20 lb-weight is the standard for ink-jet/laser printer paper)
5) not being a Democrat, i.e., along with Justice Clarence Thomas, being a token black Republican for Karl Rove.

So for chosing the Republican side in an election and helping it win, the liberal left equates Blackwell with Joseph Stalin, a despot whose policies succeeded in killing more than 60 million Russian citizens!

Then, they acuse him of helping to enact a "Draconian marriage act." For those unfamiliar with Ancient/Classical Greek history, Draco was a sole ruler of Athens, Greece from 621-620 B.C., who decreed that anybody who broke even minor laws would die.

Umm, overstatement would be about the right description of such an action.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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