Monday, September 04, 2006

Strickland's poor leadership

There are more doubts about Strickland's leadership. Phillip Morris, associate editor of the (Cleveland) Plain Dealer's editorial page, sums up in 604 words, his page B9, August 29 op-ed by querying,

[w]ho really cares whether Strickland voted against a constitutional amendment that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman? The far greater issue is, can the man lead? And on that score, he remains a mystery - and vulnerable, despite his lead in the polls
Strickland has yet to evidence anything approaching talented, senior-level leadership, either in his past or in his current uninspired and timid campaign for governor.
The way he has acquiesced to the Blackwell camp in the arrangements of debates, as well as his failure to advance a single original, creative solution to the myriad problems vexing the state, make him look like a back-of-the-packer who somehow ended up at the front of the herd.
Actually, the Ohio state voters cared in 2004 when over 60% voted for a constitutional ammendment that banned gay marriage and consequently wounded judicial activism. Hence Strickland can't lead and remains an adversary to Ohio's socially conservative voters.

Again, there is also the 'lowered expectations' bar here, so that if Strickland shows any show of leadership the press can trumpet his improvements. Yet, another theme at work here is the worries about Strickland's leadership issues.

JKB by contrast remains in-step with Ohi0's socially-conservative voters.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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