Monday, February 27, 2006

More Free Exercise Questions

While speaking to the the City Club of Cleveland IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson criticized churches for making "a disturbing amount of intervention" in politics. He declined to state whether the IRS is investigating Rev. Rod Parsley's World Harvest (mega)Church & Rev. Russell Johnson's Fairfield Christian (mega)Church. On Jan. 16 thirty-one Ohio pastors protested the tax-exempt status of these churches.

This blog has expressed hestitation here and here about the close relationship status between churches and politicians. I again urge caution. Religion has as a constituent part the emotion of certainty, which is one element of hope, which is one element of faith. Knowledge is other element of faith. Emotions, however, increase and decrease. Should emotions be at a low point, a party in power could find itself as a party out of power.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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