Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Interesting tidbits

Robert Novak has a delicious article here about the reaction of Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and DiFi (D-CA) to the answers that John Roberts gave to the Senators. The Senators sound like spoiled brats.

Following the precendents set by McCain and Hagel, Senator Voinovich has exploded in anger over the fact that Bush wants to make his tax-cuts permanent in the fact of mounting costs from the War on Terrorism and Katrina. The Dayton Daily News (free sub. req) recorded his September 20, 2005 apoplexy thus, "We need to get real." Sorry Senator but Chairman Specter is more liberal (to which the press gives more play) and McCain sells more copies. However, if anger does not move people, then perhaps tears are a better alternative.

*Update* If weeping fails, perhaps cofusion, stalling, or
apathy are better alternatives.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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