Thursday, March 02, 2006

More Blackwell groundswell

As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the GOP State Central Committee will not publicize a straw poll of committee members showing a gargantuan Blackwell victory, 51 - 16. The poll breaks down this way: first, there is a 40-11 approval of the Blackwell/Petro ticket, rather than Petro/Blackwell ticket; and, 11 favored Blackwell alone, while 5 favored Petro alone.

The fallout is that the president of the NE Ohio region quite because the executive director, Chris McNulty, whose wife is a fundraiser for Jim Petro, commanded that the results from being published. President Karl Raszewski charged

"If Chris had . . . let everyone see the results, Petro would have likely left the race within 48 hours."
Bennett, his spokesmen, McNulty, and his spokesmen also denied the charges. Factor in Blackwell's lead in the GOP primary polls, his endorsement from Miami's open primary and his other endorsements, and an Ohio voter can only conclude that Blackwell will win in a tough GOP primary.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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