Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Newsweek's Clift 'Claven' misses the boat

Elanor Clift, Newsweek columnist, rows left again. She writes a left-leaning article that recycles the same ol' DNC talking points: The race is the Dems to lose; GOP is anti-gay; Blackwell is a bible-thumper; etc...

Read more of Clift "Claven's" article on the MSNBC website.

And of course Blackwell gets criticism for leaving the DNC plantation:

His political rivals are looking for ways to expose him as a black Elmer Gantry, a huckster with no core convictions.
Clift's article has merit as far as writing style goes. She puts every relevant fact in except for the most recent Petro-lawyers-FBI investigation. Her article sparkles and shows that Ohio's political life is very vibrant right now. Take, for example, the fact that she notices how Blackwell's conservativism contrasts with "a more traditional Republican in Ohio Attorney General, Jim Petro." Do Ohio's voters really want an establishment Republican, a RINO or Taft-lite?

She weakly concludes by shrugging out of a conclusion, leaving the final choice up to Ohio's voters. She is another no-decision liberal who writes in code, i.e. throw Blackwell out.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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