Thursday, March 23, 2006

Black Conservatives: almost persuaded.

Claude Allan is a black conservative traitor, writes Erin Aubry Kaplan in the LA Times (free reg. req.), and he stole because he's black. Expect Blackwell to get the same treatment from the media.

Eugene Volokh dstroys the barely-concealed racism of Kaplan. Kaplan's piece inadvertently lets the world know that she is just another patronizing liberal.

Eugene Lindgren examines the number of black conservatives and concludes that the number is around 30% - 45%. He also reports that blacks are social, but not economic, conservatives. The key stas come at the end of the article. Lindgren writes

In general, however, African American conservatives seem to be somewhat more like other African-Americans than like other conservatives, but things vary a lot depending on the issue. Indeed, 57% of African American conservatives report being Democrats, compared to only 10% who view themselves as Republicans. Another 4% of black conservatives are independents who lean Republican.
Almost persuaded. When the number of blacks who vote for a Republican increases to 15% - 20%, then one can claim that there are black conservatives. Economic Conservatives, Foreign-policy conservatives, and judicial conservatives will need to vote for the GOP. Right now the socially conservative blacks are not voting (R) but (D). This means the number of black conservativism is limited, since conservativism is both intellectual and measurable by voting-habits. Blackwell is the best hope to inspire blacks to change their votes.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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