Sunday, March 12, 2006

CQ analyzes Ohio Left

We're a bit late, but back on January 16, 2006 Congressional Quarterly analyzed Ohio, and said that things were down for the Ohio GOP and up for the DNC. The reasons were Abrahamoff lobbying scandal, Taft golf convictions and GOP apathy which caused a Democrat almost to win.

They looked at the governor's race, the senator's race and Ney's congressional seat and came up with this quote

“"So you have all of these things working together, and I believe that leads some Democrats to say that now is the time to take on a Republican,"” said Herb Asher, a political scientist at Ohio State University.
The article make this telling point about why conservatives might stay home for DeWine's Senate race:
  1. He votes against Pres. Bush 24% of the time; 4th worst.
  2. He votes against the G.O.P. 30% of the time; 5th worst.
  3. He was part of the infamous gang of 14.
Contrary to the main point of the article, the author points out
  • that all the Democrat-funded initiatives in the 2005 election failed,
  • that the party of the Donkey raises less,
  • that the GOP has a way better GOTV drive, and
  • that the DNC has a poorer organization skill in running the state itself.
  • Oh, yeah and that the Dems control a mere 6 of the 18 House Seats,
  • don't have a U.S. Senator,
  • don't hold a major state office,
  • don't control the State House,
  • don't control the State Senate and,
  • don't have a positive plan for the voters
  • But they do have the MSM on their side.
Republicans will have to work for their victory, which Blackwell can accomplish owing to his conservative agenda, credentials and record. His adds are successfully separating him from PetroTaftNoe. There was no new information about Blackwell's race.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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