Monday, March 21, 2005

The Pinocchio Awards - 2

Today's Pinocchio award for saying one thing while his actions reveal the complete opposite is state Senator Tom Roberts (D-Trotwood). Senator Roberts has authored a bill to prohibit the Ohio Secretary of State from overseeing elections by having a bipartisan board of legislators appoint an official to overse Ohio's elections.

Roberts said in a March 6, 2005 Dayton Daily News article (free reg. req)

"We believe that our chief elections officer should not be involved in and working on or heading up statewide campaigns for candidates or issues. We're trying to create a nonpartisan approach to the elections."
First, articles out of the Dayton Daily News on (via Lexis-Nexis)
December 19, 2003 (page B3),
January 21, 2004 (page B2), and
January 22, 2004 (page A14)
show that Roberts publicly endorsed General Wesley Clark for President.

Second, articles out of the Dayton Daily News on
Febrary 28, 2004 (page A1),
August 24, 2004 (page B3), and
Sept. 27, 2004 (page B3)
show that Roberts publicly endorsed Senator John Kerry for President. (links from George Washington University)

This Democratic partisan, then, aches for non-partishanship.

Roberts nose is growing as we speak.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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