Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Updates & Taft

Dear Loyal Readers,

Thanks to all your concern we have rocketed up the TLLB Ecosystem from Furry Rodents to Large Mammal. The number of people linked to us now is 175 which is an increase of 100. Only 440 more to go to reach the level of playful primates. Our rank# is tied for 1015th as the Editor views it or 1021 actually.

** update ** Thanks to you our rank is now 479 w/ 289 links. Could be victory Wednesdays but Thanks anyways.

Our average/day has shot up to 18 unique visitors/day, which is a fly on a wall compared to instapundit or Daily Kos. Oh well, progress is progress.

-- update -- our avg/day is now 22 visitors/day.

Turning to news, the Amish story still remains hidden in the cornfield and impossible to verify. Developing more slowly...

'Challengers' - Blackwell III.A has been updated at the starred paragraph(s) with the insertion of Taft's public role.
'Challengers' - Blackwell IV.A has been updated at the starred paragraph(s) with the insertion of Taft's public role.
'Challengers' - Blackwell VI.C (continued) has been updated at the starred paragraphs with the insertion of Taft's public role, and some others too.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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