Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Strickland Throws Mud

The Feb 20, 2005 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer (CPD), Section H3, announces under the headline "Inside Politics," and the sub-heading "Blackwell's Many Hats," that U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland and Senator Frank Lautenberg (D - NJ) have introduced legislation into the U.S. House of Reps, attacking Ken Blackwell. The Legislation, if enacted, prevents top state officials from participating directly in any future presidential campaign. Mark Naymik is the author of the article.

Both Congressmen accuse Blackwell, ala Katherine Harris in Florida 2000, of letting partisan politics interfere with their duties. Blackwell's spokesman LoParo counters with the facts that
1. Blackwell was an honorary co-chair;
2. Blackwell raised no money for Bush;
3. The indicated Congressmen ignore the roles that Democratic election officials played in Kerry's campaign; and,
4. The election process is bi-partisan, provides many checks & balances and makes it almost impossible for anybody to steal even a box of pencils without somebody else knowing.

The article leaves out that Strickland, a representative of the 6th District, is a Democrat from Lisbon. Perhaps the author and editor of the CPD assume that their readership knows of Strickland's roots.

Second, Strickland is also an officially unannounced Democratic Candidate for governor, so his legislation is a smokescreen attempt to smear Blackwell with political mud. This website previously announced this info, here, about Strickland.

The CPD article is good for the next 30 days only.

More analysis to come...

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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