Blackwell on OSOS
Blackwell's comments on Taft's Ohio State of the State address (OSOS) as reported by James Drew, The Toledo Blade's Colombus Bureau Chief, followed two tracks: compliment and critique.
He complimented Taft, when the governor uttered the line "if we don't slow the growth of state spending, we cannot reduce the tax burden on Ohioans and help our economy grow."
Blackwell guardedly commended Taft for phasing down the State Sales Tax from 6 to 5.5%, as well as cut individual income taxes by 21%. Blackwell stated "The promise was the sun was going to set," thereby implying that he would take a let's wait and see attitude toward Taft's proposal.
Drew also writes that
Taft would take note and follow Blackwell's criticisms.Blackwell noted that Mr. Taft did not call for a constitutional amendment to limit government spending and make it tougher to raise taxes. Mr. Blackwell leads a petition drive to put the issue on the Nov. 8 ballot. Mr. Blackwell said he believes Mr. Taft, a second-term Republican, understands that tax reform "can't be revenue-neutral," with tax cuts offset by tax increases. But Mr. Blackwell said the picture of Mr. Taft's "tax reform" package won't be clear until the governor tomorrow releases his version of the two-year operating budget that starts July 1.
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