It Takes a Hillary
It will be refreshing for your soul just to confess that you did not read it, because the undersigned freely and happily confesses so. Attorney General Jim Petro however, has read it, and then proceeded to reincarnate her bestseller "It Takes a Village" into a new proposal for a governor's level Dept of Education. While HRC advocated having a nanny-state raise one's children, now Petro has advocated the next step toward having the nanny-state dictate education curricula.
As reported in Clevland's Plain Dealer, Page B2 (Metro) by Sandy Theis, Columbus Metro Chief, this Communictic-type of department (and that is not too strong a word) would greatly centralize education control in the hands of the governor. It would abolish the independent authority of the following policy-setting departments:
1) State Board of Education - (K - 12);
2) Ohio Board of Regents - (Coordinating body for Higher Ed); and,
3) The Board of Trustees for each of the 13 state-financed universities
This would make education become government-controleed propaganda, and that is not overstating the case. But it gets worse. Rather than have individual districts and universities expand as needed while competing for dollars and funds based on student-achievement, Petro wants the following to occur:
This new cabinet agency would work to streamline Ohio schools and create what he called “centers of excellence” at the four-year colleges.
So instead of having Ohio’s limited resources spread among 13 state-supported colleges and universities, they would be used to strengthen what each does best."
To take away your breath, Republican lawmakers are agreeing since it would reduce gov't payrolls by 10% and streamline cabinet-level agencies from 23 down to 9.
For other Petro moves to reduce gov't payrolls see here.
Hillary, in short looks like a moderate to right saint compared to Petro. Ohio help us.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.