Blackwell the racist: part 1,543,428
The Dayton Daily News runs a May 10 editorial (free reg req) that hints at Blackwell being a racial sell-out and ends up giving him a good-boy, good-dog pat on the head. The opinion begins by noting that the primary race was free of racial overtones and issues. It notes that most people vote (D) because the (R) party does not address minority issues. After all the racial Nixon adopted the "Southern Strategy." The racist Republicans opposed affirmitive action. The racist Bush administration tried to limit law school quotas.
The money quote is the final few paragraphs in the editorial. The newspaper writes,
Mr. Blackwell might also lose votes because he's black, of course. But the race factor didn't seem to hurt him much in a primary where nearly all the voters were white and conservative.
Not long ago, it was conventional wisdom that black candidates did worse in elections than they did in polls, because some people who were planning to vote along racial lines wouldn't admit that to a pollster.
But that was back when black candidates were always Democrats.
It's a new era. That's a good thing. And the people who are grinding their teeth know that better than anybody.
Notice here the condescending congratulations the newspaper gives to the GOP and JKB. It is similiar to an owner who pats his dog on the head for fetching the newspaper. Doggy want a treat?
The newspaper fails to note that conservatives and (R) voters vote on principle and self-achievement more than elecatibility. The opposition to affirmative action falls under the self-inspiration category. Plus it was the Democrats that enacted "Jim Crow" laws and Democrats who opposed the 1964 and 1965 civil rights legislation. Republicans voted for the 1964 & 1965 acts. Because Barry Goldwater and a few other (R) senators voted against the laws based on constitutional opposition, LBJ and the DNC successfully labeled Goldwater and the 1964 GOP as anti-racial.
Of course since the race is out this early, this could signal desperation on the part of the Democrats.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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