Blackwell the Racist: part 1,543,427
The race card is out after Blackwell's primary victory. The Plain Dealer (Cleveland) ran a May 10 column by Ohio University's Thomas Suddes, wherein Mr. Suddes claims, (via Lexis-Nexis)
[i]n the war to define Republicanism in Ohio, Blackwell ran best in counties most open to harangue-from-the-balcony appeals - of, say, a George C. Wallace in 1968 or of the Detroit Catholic "radio priest" Charles E. Coughlin in the 1930s. (Coughlin was one of the "Demagogues in the Depression," to cite historian David Bennett's study.)Yes, JKB's victory makes him a racist like presidential contender Wallace and radio host Coughlin. This historical parallel falls apart because JKB is running for governor, not president or Roman Catholic Priest. Secondly, Wallace was based in Atlanta and Fr. Coughlin was a national host (possibly). Mr. Suddes reasoning is more full of DNC talking-points than any worthwhile analysis.
Mr. Suddes deserves credit for using various polling data to support his claims. (Brief side note: did you know that Hitler was a racist?). The chief ground of support underlying Mr. Suddes reasoning process is the numerical fact that
[i]n 1968, no big nonslave state gave Wallace a bigger share of its presidential vote (12 percent, one in eight votes) than Ohio did. And Coughlin's 1936 proxy (William Lemke) ran better in Ohio than [he did] nationally.Again take note that JKB is not running as a national candidate but as a statewide candidate for governor. The comparisons continue to decay. Mr. Suddes should have found a governor's candidate who campaigned similiar to JKB for the reasoning to work. He did not. He failed.
Mr. Suddes also notes that JKB is not running a "pocket-book" campaign but a "God-guns-gays" campaign. So, Blackwell deserves criticism for choosing principle over donor-slobber? Pointing out the rest of the flaws in Mr. Suddes racist rhetoric is a waste of engergy. Read the column and see for yourself.
One final note: playing the race card so early might be a sign of desperation on the left. Take heart and be of good cheer.
Final exams are done for the semester and so is the senior theses in History. Blogging should improve.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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