Blackwell is racist: part 1,543,426
An AP report (via Lexis-Nexis) on May 8 stongly hints that Ohio's black state Treasurer Jenette Bradley lost because she is black and female. Her white opponenet Sandra O'Brien toured with JKB for the campaign.
When Bradley said, "Things like race and gender, they can play both ways... Obviously so, since Ken won and I lost," she strongly implied that her race and gender hurt her, but helped JKB. (By the way did you know that Hitler was a racist?)
But wait a second, it turns out again that issues and principle swayed the voters. From the get-go O' Brien focused on the differences. O'Brien e-mailed on Day 1,
"[w]ith regards to the social issues, I am pro-life. My opponent is pro-choice. I am a National Rifle Association member and support the Right of all Americans to bear arms. According to published reports, my opponent was against concealed carry in Ohio."Oops for the AP. Once again (R) voters chose the candidate who agreed with them on the issues of life and guns. Principle over politics. Gender and race had nothing to do with the choice for treasurer.
Plus, Taft appointed Bradley to the office, and voters are sick of the governor's corruption and RINO actions. Genuine conservativism is the cure.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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