Saturday, January 19, 2008

Close, but no cigar

Ahh, to have George Burns' victory cigar right now. Alas, it appears that Fred is locked into 3rd. This is not the knockout blow of which he spoke. The best case scenario would be that Huckabee implodes in bitterness over Fred's campaign, e.g., Howard Dean. The MSM picked up on the Huck lost thread.

Of course, then Fred would be going back on his word, which would make him no different from the rest of (R) pack of candidates. Of course, neither has he won any races, which Romney has done in WY, NV, & MI. Part of the reason was the too-packed-too-close-together-primary-system. Fred should have started earlier and got his fire going sooner. He just started too late, which means that he was his own problem in the end.

Now, some are saying Fred for Veep. Sounds like an echo.

Better than expected?

CNN puts Freddy-Mac in 3rd, while NRO's Jim Geraghty waxes eloquent on the seeming limits of Fred's appeal. NRO's Campaign Spot talks about some limits on Fred's Success, however turnout will be better than expected. Fred still looks good.

Newsday's Tom Brune quotes University of South Caroline analyst Ben Glease saying "I still think things are quite fluid." The article states the usual CW

Still, the race here by most estimates is between McCain and Huckabee, each hoping to add to their momentum. If one of them wins, he will get a boost into Florida... But the stakes are highest here for Thompson. After a string of disappointing results in the earlier primaries, Thompson, a former Tennessee senator and one-time great conservative hope, bet his candidacy on this state.A third or lower finish could, in effect, finish his hopes, possibly leading him to quit. "I think he needs a win or show," Graham said.

Turnout will probably put Fred into 2nd, at best.

Broken-glass voting

According to Sister Toldjah, the voter turnout in SoCo is low. Early exit voting has McCain & Huckster in the lead. So anyone who wishes to vote will really have to want to vote. They will need to crawl over broken glass to do so. That is the kind of loyalty Fred has inspired. This may catapult him over the top. However, McCain has his supporters too, and the latest polls show Fred in 3rd, but a ways behind Huckster & McCain. Hope for a 2nd-place finish.

Over at The Corner, Jim Geraghty says there is real poll movement for Fredoso. Let's hope so. Of course, (R) voters tend to be tradition-bound, so that the person who deserves the vote gets t on their turn. Hence, the reason why from 1952 - 2004, every presidential election year, excluding 1964, featured a Nixon, Dole, or Bush in the POTUS or V-POTUS spot. Good, but not good enough for Fred, I fear.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Swinging Mo'

Even Rush Limbaugh & Richard Land have noticed the big M'o for Fred. Land sees South Carolina as Fred's to lose. Eric Erikson of Human Events sees the arrival of Fred and his hour. I still see a 2nd place finish at best, but hope for better things.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pale Pastels & Taxes

One of the plethora of slogans in 1980 that helped make Ronald Reagan’s ideas workable was the slogan “no more pale pastels.” He opposed having slogans without any “umph” behind them. To be conservative was to be open and honest about them in the face of the screaming-mimies media.

Fred has been accused of having pale pastels. He has no main running theme, just the fact that he’s conservative. Contrary to this accusation, he does have the best tax plan. In the Wall Street Journal article about the tax plans of all (R) candidates, and Rudy G.'s most recent plan, they opine about the G-man's three tax brackets.

Mr. Giuliani would retain the mortgage and charitable deductions on his alternative tax form, no doubt because he fears their political power. In this sense, his plan is inferior to Fred Thompson's optional flat tax (two rates: 10% and 25%), which is the simplest and best reform in the field.

Both candidates have shorter tax forms, which should take under 15 minutes to fill out, unless of course the person wants the optional old form with its hours of work.

The WSJ also gave full treatment to "Flat-Tax Fred" in it's November 28, 2007 article saying

Mr. Thompson wants to abolish the death tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax and cut the corporate income tax rate to 27% from 35%. But his really big idea is a voluntary flat tax that would give every American the option of ditching the current code in favor of filing a simple tax return with two tax rates of 10% and 25%

Good for Fred, and good for him to describe how tax cuts help stimulate the economy. Tax rebates are really just another form gov't spending. The Democratic method of Gov't spending more and more is just a form of streoid economics.

Poll Variables

The Clemson University Palmetto Poll (.pdf) claims McCain leads and Fred's 4th. It has many weaknesses.

1st: it has about a 5% margin of error.

2nd: about half (46%) said they may change their minds during the last 24 hours.

3rd: 17% are still undecided.

4th: the sample size was not “likely voters,” but really only weakly registered (R) voters: “Respondents were chosen… if they voted in at least one of the past four (R) primaries.”

Even the final sentence from Clemson reads, “We find a very liquid environment in the state and the race still subject to change.” The race is wide-open, though the statistical accuracy of this poll and others shows that Thompson may charge up to 2nd.

Huckabee freefall

The Huckster seems to be dropping fast. First RCP's SoCo poll avg has him as the only candidate dropping in the polls for the last week. Second, he is making anti-Thompson push-poll phone calls. Third, he just flip-flopped on Amnesty by signing an Anti-amnesty pledge, oh so very late in the primary game.

His poll numbers may be worse than they seem. Otherwise, he is trying some bareknuckle campaining tricks to test the mettle of his opponents.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Engergy Independence

On CNN Fred talked about the US economy and pushed for a fuel position that keeps us from Saudi caterwauling. His view is that

It's not in the United States' long-term interest to go hat in hand begging people to do things that in the end we know they're not going to do... What we need to concentrate on is diversifying our own energy sources here in this country and opening up what oil reserves that we have here [in places such as ANWR, edited out by Reuters], using nuclear more, using clean coal technology more and all the other things that we can do, [including research, instead of going hat in hand to these OPEC countries, edited out by Reuters]. (via Lexis-Nexis)

Note the omissions of ANWR and entreprenurialship. Fred does not seem to say that we need to drill in offshore oil rigs, and make more domestic refineries. Unless that is what Fred meant by "opening up what oil reserves that we have here in places such as ANWR.

Give me cheap gasoline. Refineries and drilling platforms would be a good start.

The Rise of Fringe Candidates

Let me add my two cents worth to the debate as to why the Huckster & Paulus have so many votes. Many of my acquaintances are Firm Protestant Calvinists (FPCs). They fit every profile of normality and are totally family-oriented. They do their best to walk the straight-n-narrow and attend two church services, morning and evening, 'bout every week of the year.

The FPCs vote mainly to keep Democrats out of Power. Their #1 issue is Pro-Life. The #2 issue is that at least (R) party will give some sort of freedom to religious organizations. #3 & #4 are a mixed bag between foreign policy & taxes. (R) candidates will try to keep taxes lower and will at least fight a war to keep some of our enemies away. The Democrats are pro-abortion, pro-murder, pro-racism, pro-homosexuality or pro-hedonism, in short.

The 2006 elections showed the corruption of (R) candidates on almost every issue from greed, to adultery, to gov't spending. Now, the FPCs have done the Google searches, seen impressive websites, and watched the Youtube videos from the kook fringes of American Society. They slowly start to believe that our Presidents, Bush & Clinton, knew of 9/11 in advance, actively participated in it, or worked in some sort of cover-up. The behavior starts to border on irrationality. The chief explanation lies in the fact that the Gov't and now the party of Reagan are corrupt through and through.

Then comes a barrelful of (R) candidates: one is Mormon and maybe no friend of Christianity; one is NY Republican or Liberal; one is not conservative on most issues having lost to Bush in 2000; one is unheard of and not doing well, probably just another (R) candidate; one is very open about his Christianity, very pro-life, humorous, and has a new idea about taxes; and one is very small-gov't and wants to do something about the mess in Iraq.

The last two seem Fresh & Different without ties to the formerly corrupt (R) party. They also probably did not participate in the 9/11 conspiracy. That's it.

Fred Slowing

According to Zogby & Clemson University it appears as if Fred might only make it to 3rd place in SoCo. Right now he is in a statistical dead heat with Romney for 3rd. Considering that Zoby tends to understimate (R) voters and conservatives, then Thompson might do better in SoCo.

RCP's poll avg. put's Thompson rising again, but near Mitt Romney. Thompson may rise high enough to make a surprise 2nd. However, it appears as if conservative voters are split between Romney, Huckster, and (R) guy.

In good news, Thompson wins the Instapundit Straw Primary by a wide margin, 65 - 14. He wins the Pajama Media's Straw Primary by the same margin, 63 - 13.

Looks like Fred's best chance is to go for Veep. It would fit well with his laid-back style.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Yard Sign Argument

All this talk of Fredmentum reminds me of the old argument that many callers make to talk radio hosts: There are bunches of political and presidential signs in my neighborhood supporting the candidate. I just know he will win. The problem is that sector will vote strongly for the guy, but not many other sectors will. This does show that there is passion for (R) guy

To begin Peter Robinson transcribes 6 awesome e-mails in the Corner showing how Fred has the Big Mo'. One e-mailer reports

I took with me a friend who was contemplating voting for Mike Huckabee. After the rally my friend simple said WOW! I confirmed he is now voting for Fred.
The only somewhat down e-mail says that the rallies are bigger, but that all smiles are fake. This is all a step forward, and might get him to 2nd place. Another e-mail reports great excitement, but GA was the home-state of the e-mailer. Did many others do the same? Again, this is another step forward.

Event the NYT grudgingly admits of the MO' for Fred. The Corner takes note.

In hard dollars, Fred's goal of 540K, has been blown away. The Red Truck reports breaking the 1 Million-Dollar Amount.

Prof. Bainbridge points out that Fred is not in last place when (R) candidate are run against Hillary or Obama

Fred even sounds the conservative and Christian theme to be charitable yourself and not rely on guvmint so much on the guvmint to do all your work.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fredmentum - TM

Looks like news of Fred is getting out. Track that to the date when this blog endorsed Fred for POTUS in IA.

Human Events endorsed Fred Thompson for (R) nominee. As they say,

The Club for Growth has praised Thompson as someone who has a strong commitment to limited government, free enterprise and federalist principles... [We say h]e is solidly pro-life. He said that he was in favor overturning Roe v. Wade because it was “bad law and bad medical science... Thompson’s record is solid on voting to preserve gun owners’ rights, cut taxes, reduce government spending and drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has voted consistently against gay marriage.”

Their article also lists his limitations in regards to Clinton impeachment, McCain-Feingold, and pro-trial lawyers.

Now The New York Republican Party endorsed Fred. The state is not exactly a conservative Bastion, (e.g., Rudy G. Michael B., and George Pataki), but it’s a start. Favorite Son Rudy gets a fistful of nada. Maybe because Rudy’s biggest backers were always the Media.

Fred has raised the stakes in SoCo, claming he is “drawing the line”. Go ahead Fred: Rage Against the Machine© or at least, start sounding Conservative themes. He also claims he is going to “draw some contrasts” in the next debate. That should scare the other Republicans, who will hear the hoof-beats of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow behind him. He already started at the last debate. How will Mitt do so? Show that he has changed the most??

While Fred’s YouTube opponents apologize to him, his supporters Blogburst over Fred’s stated goal of 540K. Fred then shows that Huckabee lacks conservative credentials.

In actual news, Fred’s campaign e-mailed that they had to shut the doors to potential voters at a campaign stop in SoCo.

Fred is also a potential hunting partner of VP Cheney, and gives the good ol' stink-eye to taxes.

Way back, on Nov. 13, 2007 National Right to life endorsed Fred Thompson (.pdf).

If the conservatives have truly fallen in love with Fredoso, then look for a swarm of articles and columns in the next week. The same happened with J. Kenneth Blackwell during Ohio’s gubernatorial election. One week they all seemingly portrayed him as a knight in shining armor. Sadly, the result was that his numbers stayed the same: horrible, as in the 35’s through voting day.

You al$o pu$h a few coin$, Fred'$ way: donate to Fred08.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Michigan turnover

A new coach enters the coaching fraternity of a major University, has no ties to the Institution, axes all the assistants (except 1) who had done all the former recruiting, and brings in an entirely new offensive scheme. It's not much of a surprise that the stud quarterback leaves for greener pastures.

Rodriguez seems quite confident, which might forebode not the best of things for the recruits he signs.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

There Goes Reason

Maybe it's because he did not receive the airtime of the other candidates, but seemingly the only Voice of Realism has dropped out of the Democratic Primary. Until he dropped back in, mabye. An erie, haunting echo of 1992 airs its head, there being a slight link between he and Ross Perot. Richardson's wacky stance: Iraq troop withdrawl by 2009.

As of 12:30 a.m. EST his personal website lists nothing in its press releases or campaign blog about his dropping out.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Yogi Berra's Fork

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." So goes the legendary quote of Yankee's catcher Yogi Berra. Thompson has a fork coming in SoCo. It appears from RealClearPolitics that he will finish 4th there in about 12 days, though there is a longshot hope that he will capture and pass Romney.

In Michigan, where the West-side (R)s are conservative, Thompson finishes 5th.

Perhaps this blog should have started sooner.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Having endorsed Thompson for Veep, the esteemed Mr. Lowry raises the possibility of the Scarecrow becoming Veep for McCain(RINO). If that's the case, I'm registering as an Independent and will vote 3rd party come November. I can only hold my nose for so long.

I already did so in Michigan's 2004 and 2006 Congressional House elections, when U.S. Representative Vernon J. Ehlers was running for reelection. Who knows, I probably voted for a more liberal slate than the Democrats.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Hard NH numbers


Here are my hard numbers: Got to CNN for other ones. The totals are that out of the nearly 851,000 (850,836)votes possible in NH, about 517,000 (517,226) were cast, which is about a 68% turnout. The Dems got 54.9% (284,050) and the Republicans 45.1% (233,176).

Fred Thompson received approximately 1.24% of the (R) total (see kook comment below). This means that this blog is more powerful than a Republican Presidential candidate.

P.S. Look for Britney to improve slowly, for now. Who knows, maybe she will be a better Aunt than a Mother. (See Hillary-Britney)

N.B. 3rd party candidates were not counted.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Sweeping up after

It remains to be seen whether Fred Thompson's NH vote total can score more votes than this blog has gotten hits. So far, he's not winning. On the plus side, he placed second in Wyoming, a Red State, though Romney walloped him by nearly 40%.*

One reason why he performed badly, is that he did start way too late to become familiar in a crowded (R) field. Second, he said so many times that he did not want to run or really become President that the voters finally said, 'O.K., we believe you.' They pulled the lever to vote for others. Third, he is not a maverick or kook like all others in (R) field, excluding Romney, so Thompson is more normal, which doesn't appeal to the NH voters. Fourth, his flip-flopping on abortion did not help. Fifth, his hot wife is matched by John McCain's, so that negates the 'chick' factor.

*Odd how the Dinosaur Media made no bones about the Wyoming race. Of course, B. Hussein Obama was not running, nor Hillary Rohdam. They figured that it was just a vote in flyover country. Better wishes for Fred in SoCo

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--


Sometimes (ok, many times) Microsoft Word annoys me. So many words that should be recalled in their spell-check database are not. The words prissy, buxom, stays (on a corsage), infernal, spindly and hemp do not exist, and these are all words taken from, Johnny Tremain, a winner of the Newberry Award.

Fix it Mr. Gates.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Mitt & flip-flopping

It seems to me that the (R) candidates are going about the flip-flopping the wrong way.

Q: Who ran for the Senate as a Whig candidate in 1856, as a Republican in 1858, and for President in 1860, having flip-flopped his way to the White House?

A: The very same person whose 1860 advisers compromised on a number of stances and when told to stop by him, "Make no contracts that will bind me", said that they were winning him the White House "Lincoln ain't here and don't know what we have to meet... [H]e must ratify it". This gave AL culpable deniability, i.e., he was freed from any guilt by association. He never tried too strenuously to rebut those agreements.

A: The very same person whose flip-flopped from his earlier slave position, moderate abolitionist wherein he had said on Dec 24, 1860 to the Senate Committee on Crisis that the Constitution should be amended never to interfere with slavery, unto full abolitionist with the Emancipation Proclamation, 1863.

In short, say that they are flip-flopping to the moral and right answer. Mitt Romney's lack of support in 2003 for GWB's capital gains' tax deduction is five years removed from 2008. Lincoln flipped twice each time about 2 or 3 years removed from his former position. Romney looks staunch anti - compromiser in comparison to AL.

Bring up Winston Churchill's changing of parties from Conservative to Liberal and Liberal to Conservative to fit the times. Later on in life WSC was never a full conservative, who repealed all of Clement Attlee's socialistic programmes.

Relate how Ronald Reagan flip-flopped on taxes after having raised them once early on in his first term to his having seen the light. Tell the voters about RR's writing of the most liberal abortion law to his having characterized that bill as his biggest mistake. Explain about RR's change of parties and then say just as cleverly as he, without plagiarizing, that the (D) party left him.

Else NRO and Ramesh Ponnuru print pre-primary articles focusing on flip-flopping.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sipping Cat-Poo Coffee

One way I stayed awake while twice driving cross-country was coffee. I drank so much during those trips and during the 2-week holiday season that I have taken the unprecented step of not drinking any for 3 days and counting. However, one item I saw back "home" in G.R. interested me. It was about a rare, expensive brand of 'poo' coffee. Here is a slightly edited version from the local rag, the Grand Rapids Press on its Jan. 1 edition (via the Gale database):

The Rockford Education Foundation [will] serve[] a rare coffee roasted from beans extracted from the excrement of the Indonesian luwak, a member of the cat family that dines on coffee berries...

The luwak poo, however, has as much to do with the beverage as moose "tracks" have to do with the ice cream. Coffee connoisseurs say the animal -- also known as the Asian palm civet -- instinctively picks the choicest fruit and imparts flavor to the bean with its stomach acid.

"The animal picks only the ripest fruit. That's all he wants. These beans are the select beans," [coffe store owner Floyd] Havemeier said. "The bean is protected as it goes through the digestive system. The acidic part of the stomach creates some unique flavors."

The brew can go for as much as $50 per cup, but will be sold at a discount Jan. 12 during the foundation's annual benefit concert. Ticket-holders for the sold-out show featuring actor Jeff Daniels can get a 5-ounce taste of Kopi Luwak (Indonesian for civet coffee) for $5. About 50 more coffee-only passes will be made available Friday for trying a $10 sample.

Only 500 to 1,000 pounds of Kopi (Indonesian for coffee) Luwak enter the marketplace each year. "You're looking at over $1,000 there," store owner Floyd Havemeier said, showing off three 1.1-pound bags of the beans. "I can't really develop a market around this because it's probably all I'll ever see in my entire life."

The coffee is being donated by Herman's Boy, a Rockford coffee shop whose owner bought the beans from missionary friends looking to fund their work in Indonesia.

My question is, what does the flavor taste like: French Roast, Colombian, French Vanilla, Cappuccino, Espresso... I have drunk cherry coffee from a Benton Harbor (SW Michigan) gas station on my journey to the Mitten State. That brand seemed too dry for me and bit too flat. Also, is the luwak coffee caffeinated? I would hope so, because the chemical dependency plays a part for most coffee drinkers. Any more info

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Atlas Blogging

Our endorsement of Fred Thompson helped push him into 3rd place in Iowa. NH is a different mark. Think VP for Fred.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Atlas Blogging II

The power of this blog continues to reverberate. About a year ago, this blog linked Hillary with Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith. Ever since then, Hillary's success has paralleled that of Britney's and Anna's. Ms. Smith has now departed the scene. A foreboding of things political?? Rumors of Mrs. Clinton's exit from the campaign run rampant.

As Mrs. Federline continued with her bizarre behavior, so also did the success and fortune of Mrs. Clinton. The only way that Mrs. Clinton will succeed will be if Mrs. Federline revamps her career, which, alas, will not happen any time soon.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--


I have now also heard some Ron Paul Radio Ads in Michigan, so the front-runner Romney might be in for a struggle, ala Iowa

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address--

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Day off

There will be very little blogging today as the family drives back home to Northern Colorado from Western Michigan via I-80 through Iowa just after the primary election. Hooray for sleepless nights.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This crazy season

A front-runner who really isn't, but is, in a way.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --


There is good news from Iraq. Michael Totten has all the info.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

The Dog Muzzlers

Earlier today, this blog criticized Thompson for his stance on the McCain-Feingold muzzle, while others implicitly did the same thing. Quick, somebody send The Des Moines Register to Sir Fred.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

Voting & preferences.

With the seeming appearance of Hillary cratering in Iowa, it just might happen that the Reagan coalition will not push the any of (R) candidates to victory in Novemnber.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

Big League Ball

No sooner does this blog crow about its great stature, than does the truth come out. D-League ball on this ball, while the Big League All-Stars continue to be the movers and shakers, re: Huckabee, Romney & McCain. Alas, at least Thompson has us.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

A Yoast to Victory

What made New Year's day worthwhile. It's also worth a video recap. Now my team starts afresh with a coach with a cloud of suspicion hovering over him. Hmm, this not portend the best of things, but let us wait and see. Mean while, just savor the vicotors valiant

Doug Benc/Getty Images

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

Michigan Blogging

I came home for the holidays back to Michigan. So far have I heard only Mitt Romney on the radio touting how he cut wasteful spending in MA and plans to do more as POTUS. He also is the only one to air TV adds.

I always look forward to cheesy campaign adds, which means I disagree with Fred's stance supporting McCain-Feingold. Romney is 2nd best outside of Fred Thompson.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Atlas Blogging

Classical Greek mythology spoke of Atlas, the god who held up the world on his shoulders, as a punishment. Should he move at all, the whole of earth would be impacted. This blog too as a form of impressment (affects?) US Events.

Action: I reported earlier today about the expected marching activities at the Rose Bowl Parade by She-who-shall-not-be-named.

Effect: America boos her and Instapundit reports. She is not arrested for protesting gov't actions.

Action: This Blog endorsed Thompson for (R) nominee in IA.

Effect: Instapundit semi-endorses Fred for (R) nominee.

In short, this blog acts and the world moves.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --


On Jan. 3, vote for Fred Thompson Iowa voters, though Mitt Romney would not be a bad choice for second. Here is a gala of videos about Fred: His own 17-minute pitch, Fox News part 1, Fox News part 2, and CNN's Late Edition. His foreign policy and tax policy give me the most confidence. Mitt seems too much the flip-flopper, though is way better than the others.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --

How Sad

Via Instapundit & Gateway Pundit, we learn that She-who-shall-not-be-named will try to wreck the atmosphere of the Rose Parade and this beautiful football Tuesday. She-who-shall-not-be-named will march in the very last position in the Parade.

The war that is opposed by She-who-shall-not-be-named is the very reason that She-who-shall-not-be-named has the freedom to march without fear of death.

My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation --