Debate followup:Blackwellian (update)
JKB has a new education ad up at YouTube (HT Right Angle Blog). I don't know if the ad is especially ground-breaking, but I love the fact that the add works for my 56K modem, downloading video and audio in a snap. I'm such a sucker for any political add, which is why McCain-Feingold bummed me out. There is nothing like Sept/Oct when each new ad labels the opponent as the spawn of rats. Oh well, the add is smooth and flows nicely, explaining the positive. it answers my criticism of their post-debate press releases.
It's possible I erred earlier in claiming the JKB Blog delayed its summary of the debate. I've been having some issues with Mozilla Firefox and its cache update each time I visit a site, and so have to hit refresh. Their detailed post explanation of Ted's tax record helps clear the air of TS issue warping.
The Club for Growth gives TS a zero rating and ONN nails Ted in a YouTube video for being a liberal rather than the moderate he claims to be.
The Ballot Box decisively evidences that JKB won the debate. Too bad JKB didn't claim such in the debate, but rather called it a first punch. Actually the important thing for the candidates to remember for the fourth debate is not to have the debate at noon or 1.
BB begins the post by noting " [h]aving had a chance to read about and review from today's [Ohio] gubernatorial debate...". The post time is 10:30 at night. This means that he and the other pundits were busy doing other things, and so only a few (Nix-guy) could live-blog the debate. Everything else was review, even on Sixers and The Corner. By the time of most posts, the usual after-work and after-school chaos drowned out the noise.
Somebody better tell the candidates, this is it, boys. It's all there is. This race is not the same race for state SOS or AG. This ain't a sweet potato(e?) - red potato(e?) kerfuffle. Throw your chips in and steam ahead. Like my old high-school cheer went
Stand up, be proud, say your name out loud, "I'm JKB, and here's where I stand."
Evening debates between 7 - 9 work the best, since the day's errands are done and many families are relaxing, thus allowing them to do the thinking required by the debates. Midday Cubbies and Tig's games play well to audiences, but that's because the blue collar worker can buy tickets, listen and still work, leave and stay up-to-date, get updates at break, etc... The while the white collar worker can buy box seat tickets, talk to the blue collar guys, switch the radio earpiece for the office phone's earpiece and still seeem to be working. Plus day games for MLB last three, not one hour.
Of course since JKB got first-sentence play fromthe AP, it means that he won big time. Strickland's second-fiddle status tried to link JKB & Taft, but failed since it's well-known that JKB strongly criticized Taft for increasing the sales tax.
JKB also focused the leadoff and first 1:30 of Ohio's Public Radio on taxes and Strickland's no-new-taxes-pledge. (Real Player).
In the end Blackwell dominated throughout, including his humurous one-liner at the end about the Springer-Taft relationship.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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