Debate 1 held today (updated) JKB winning
The first debate between Strickland/Blackwell was held today at noon in Youngstown, OH, on an open topic. The WFMJ 21 news has a complete video of the event. (HT - Right Angle Blog)
Click on the Ohio News Network for a summary. The Headline
- Ohio Governor Candidates Argue Over Stands on Taxes -
favors JKB, since it lets the public know that JKB fought Taft's tax increases. The headline also puts Strickland on the defensive, since it gives wind to JKB's claim that Strickland plans to increase taxes. Furthermore, this tax exchange took place between minutes 9 - 15 out of the one hour debate. Thus a so-called neutral party votes for the (R) candidate.
The Cinncinati Enquirer Blog has a summary, repeating some of what's here. Their part about the protesters causes some humor, with important parts about taxes.
The Ballot Box analyzes the race in depth and it too focuses on the tax angle, pointing out that Club For Growth gave TS a rating of 0, worse than Nancy Pelosi.
TV Station WFMJ21 also focuses on the taxes angle, though they leave out Strickland's lack of pledge.
The State of the Union Blog also has numerous stories on Tax'n Ted and their failure to deny the truth of TS' tax increases.
Tune in on the 6th for tax and other analysis from the Blackwell v. Strickland blog.
The blog also favors the taxes issue going to Strickland, with Strickland wilting under the big lights helpfully live-blogged the debate and the fashion show.
The Openers blog of (Cleveland) Plain Dealer busts TS for focusing on the way past of the wacko left netroots who try to blame JKB for throwing Florida 2000 to GWB. Uhh Ted, the talking points are devil-faced Katherine Harris selected rather than elected the President. They miss the taxes angle.
No other S.O.B. blogger posted anything on the debates by Tuesday midnight. Will post more as time allows and others catch up.
Negatively: A search of the blogs using the words Ohio and Blackwell produced no recent results, and nothing at all about the debates.
The Sixers blog entitled their brief summary of the debate Strickland - Brown debate coverage, though the follow up info gets JKB's name right and says that the latter man won. Perhaps as a make-up post Greg Pollowitz explains about JKB's and TS's use of YouTube and MySpace as well as telling about Blackwell's new blog
Pick a newspaper and they'll say the match was a draw: translation - the (R) candidate won. Remember the '92 presidential campaign when Bush stared at his watch and Perot was too short for the stool. Those were Clinton's big victories. Nothing here, which means JKB won round one.
Actually, the noon debate was payed attention to by very few, including those in the blog world. Too bad the debate was good.
Briefly: JKB said Strickland will raise taxes and TS said I'm the change & JKB = coingate + Taft.
The candidates debated the Iraq war, but ONN said nothing about it. Why not say anything about it, especially when the national security issue hurts (R) candidates and helps the (D) ones. Maybe, because Strickland lost that part of the debate too.
ONN is going to replay the debate @ 11 p.m.
Here is JKB's summary.
The salient items of his post are
- When asked to directly answer if he would pledge not to raise taxes, Strickland avoided the question.
- An angry Strickland, acting like a second-grader, commented that Blackwell’s ideas were bad and his were good.
- Strickland could not answer a question on how much money from the state budget he would direct to specific proposals.
Focusing on spurring economic growth, improving the state’s education system while lowering college tuition costs, and expanding access to affordable health care, Strickland laid out a positive agenda for change.
While Strickland emphasized returning honesty and accountability to state government after the corruption scandals that have plagued Columbus, Blackwell insisted he should not be lumped in with the failed Republican leadership he has been a part of for the last 12 years. But Blackwell’s actions speak louder than his words: he still refuses to release his tax returns, even though Republican gubernatorial candidates for the last 35 years have done so.
Both blogs could have linked to their press realeses or put up the information on the website that they handed out at the debate.
Props to JKB for a short summary and accurately noting that TS hasn't give monetary values for his proposals.
TS helps himself by summarizing his agenda, but is very short on specifics. He also in calling Blackwell the establishment candidate. JKB was not, but Taft was.
Both candidates attack each other and spend as many words on negative as positive. Gotta love press releases, I mean really, they could be served at local fairs as stand-ins for cotton candy, since both are pure fluff and a harmful energy jolt. In the end the taxes issue will resonate with the Ohio voter.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
"TS's Blog also has a summary rebutting JKB in all four debates already"
Actually, that's four posts rebutting four falsehoods stated by Blackwell in the first debate.
You would be right to note that TS official, post-debate, blog posts were longer, earlier and more in-depth than JKB. However, my original post critiqued JKB for the delay in posting as well as the brevity of his official version of events. It took nearly twenty hours of post-debate time to pass before JKB blogged his thoughts. I gather that JKB has another blog up rebutting TS; I shall go there soon.
However, the problem is still TS's to fix since using the title 'debate' implies that there are two or more differing views about an issue with all having an equal weight and a lower chance at solving the problem. Thus TS's own confusing words obscure the issue and give JKB's statements more veracity than they already possess. Either TS is referring to the upcoming debates or else the word as is shows that JKB's statements possess truth. The word in its current state does not fit your claim. TS should change the statement to "myth" instead, if he's trying to point out wrong statements in the debate.
Additionally, there must have spoken more than four mistatements by during his 25 - 30 minutes of speaking. If that was the case then JKB still wins, owing to the fact that TS had more than four misstatements, e.g. gov't bonds (Taft-lite) and a minimum wage hike will improve Ohio.
Finally, how come TS never voted for the capital gains tax-cut bill that Bill Clinton signed into law during the roaring nineties, as well as voting for four tax cuts during his term in office? This puts Ted to the business left of Bill-the-greatest-president-ever-in-the-mid-to-late-ninteen-ninties-Clinton. TS already stands on the same shaky, social left as Bill-all-abortion-all-the-time-is-my-first-Executive-order-as-President-Clinton.
Thanks, Scott for your non-ranting disagreement, wrong as it is.
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