Disdaining values-voters
Sandy Theis and Ted Wendling point out in the Cleveland Plain
Dealer's October 14, 2005 edition, page B1, that Mayor Coleman has flip-flopped on whether or not to support public morals.
This time Coleman initially supported SOS Blackwell's attempt to court values-voters at the "Reformation Ohio" event hosted by tele-evangelist Rod Parley, but then Mayor Coleman (shown below) criticized the SOS. Mr. Coleman's office hinted that his wife would show up at the event and award a certificate of honor to the participants, who hope to witness unto 1,000,000 people, convert 100,000, and register 400,000 new conservative voters.After hearing criticism from liberal interest groups, Coleman's office isued a press release stating that "for too long, faith and values have been manipulated to push political agendas by dividing our citizens.”
Oh, and one more thing, did you also know that Mayor Coleman has appeared at Rev. Parsley's church and gave a personal witness to the power that faith had in his life.
There are some establishment clause questions that need to be answered about the too-close relationship between Parsley and the public role he wishes to play in the governor's race. However, Mayor Coleman has egg on his face for promising that his wife would show up and then, more or less, calling Blackwell and Parlsely wicked, hate-filled dividers.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.
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