Saturday, October 15, 2005

Disdaining values-voters

Sandy Theis and Ted Wendling point out in the Cleveland Plain
Dealer's October 14, 2005 edition, page B1, that Mayor Coleman has flip-flopped on whether or not to support public morals.

This time Coleman initially supported SOS Blackwell's attempt to court values-voters at the "Reformation Ohio" event hosted by tele-evangelist Rod Parley, but then Mayor Coleman (shown below) criticized the SOS. Mr. Coleman's office hinted that his wife would show up at the event and award a certificate of honor to the participants, who hope to witness unto 1,000,000 people, convert 100,000, and register 400,000 new conservative voters.

After hearing criticism from liberal interest groups, Coleman's office isued a press release stating that "for too long, faith and values have been manipulated to push political agendas by dividing our citizens.”

Oh, and one more thing, did you also know that Mayor Coleman has appeared at Rev. Parsley's church and gave a personal witness to the power that faith had in his life.

There are some establishment clause questions that need to be answered about the too-close relationship between Parsley and the public role he wishes to play in the governor's race. However, Mayor Coleman has egg on his face for promising that his wife would show up and then, more or less, calling Blackwell and Parlsely wicked, hate-filled dividers.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

The real reason why John Kerry lost the 2004 Presidential Election!

Does this look familiar?

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Not unexpected

She already stars in a TV show, so why should it be a suprise that she will be inducted into the National Woman's Hall of Fame? Oh, and factor in that she also is the protagonist in in two new books based on one premise: she becomes POTUS. Now the left arm is in for the '08 hokey-pokey.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Blackwell and Straight Talk

Having pretty much sewn up the GOP nomination, Blackwell has recently garnered Senator John McCain's (R - AZ) endorsement. This means that not only has Blackwell has successfully energized the GOP's conservative base, but also he has made a strong move toward getting votes from the independent crowd and the anti-GOP voters.

McCain also positions himself well for the '08 primaries with regards to the base, since he has already criticized Bush's profligate spending, thus appealing to fiscal conservatives. Now he has probably given what amounts to an unwritten and unspoken quid pro quo. Thus is the right arm in for the '08 hokey-pokey.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Strike Out!

Senator Mike DeWine (R - OH) is whiffing with Ohio's voters.

His '06 election opponents will connect him to Governor Taft. Uh-oh, Danger ahead! Strike One.

Senator George Voinovich endorsed him with the comment that his record is "quite moderate and downright independent in some instances." Yikes! Strike Two.

He has expressed initial approval of Pres. Bush's nomination of Ms. Meiers to SCOTUS, while conservatives see the nomination as a turn-off. This imperils the candidacy of those who support her, since the base is unsettled. Strike Three!

What, then, are DeWine's chances in '06 for reelection? Taft has turned off most any Ohio voter to DeWine. Voinovich has tempered conservatives' ardour by virtue of his Scarlett Letter endorsement. Finally, DeWine is running against conservative tide by endorsing she-who-has-the-disapproval-of-Will, Limbaugh, Hannity, NRO, Podhertz, et alia...

The GOP needs DeWine and his reelection chances seem to be declining. Here's to hoping for the best.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Meiers melancholy

The following text is an e-mail I sent to the White House and VP Cheney. It details my sentiments as regards the Ms Meiers for SCOTUS pick.

Dear President Bush and Vice President Cheney,

You have betrayed me with your pick of Ms. Meiers to be a SCOTUS judge. I voted for you twice: once in '00 and once in '04. Clearly you are not a conservative, nor do you care about your evangelical Christian Base. You could have fixed the court and helped turned back the Aanti-Americanism and anti-morality of so many. Instead you have pandered.

1. You have never vetoed a single spending bill.
2. You have trimmed less pork than Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and your Father.
3. You do not protect the borders, instead rewarding the breaking of laws.
4. You flinched on the nuclear option.
5. You have not reprimanded Senator Bill Frist for his support of embryonic stem-cell research.
6. You ordered tarriffs.
7. You are drunkenly spending $200 Billion of money we don't have.
8. You advocate the Jimmy Carter mantra in regards to fuel conservation instead of letting the free market work.

Congratulations on your betrayal of myself and other conservatives.
I do not expect a reply from the White House, but the above are my sentiments in regards our moderate Republican President.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

SCOTUS Nominee

Is there a Blackwell for SCOTUS groundswell?!?

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Blame Tax Increases

"Well I'm a-gonna raise a fuss, I'm gonna raise a holler
About workin' all summer just to try an' earn a dollar,"

is what country singer Alan Jackson crooned on his Summertime Blues song. Feel yourself nodding in agreement? Well it just might be that you live in Ohio where economic doldrums abound. Victor A. Canto has a NRO column giving one reason for Ohio's financial blight. He points out that it was the the tax increases of Ohio's then-governor Voinovich (1991 - 1998) back then that still hurt Ohio today. Canto writes,
The president still has an opportunity to forge ahead with his supply-side tax agenda. Leaders lead, they do not follow.

The president, however, will have to fight an uphill battle, particularly against the media. The liberal press will laud the recommendations of Sen. John [George V.] Voinovich, who has been a member of the root-canal wing of the Republican party for some time. Voinovich, guided by static thinking, was the architect of a major tax increase while governor of Ohio. The press at the time called his actions fiscally responsible, although they have since failed to mention that the tax increase made Ohio extremely uncompetitive in relation to neighboring states and foreign manufacturers.

Ohio’s employment never recovered from the reduction in competitiveness that the Voinovich tax increase brought about. During the presidential election campaign last year, John Kerry blamed the employment loss in Ohio to outsourcing. However, much of that “outsourcing” was to neighboring states. Nevertheless, the lackluster economic performance of Ohio turned out to be one of the main reasons why Kerry nearly carried the state last November. In other words, President Bush almost paid for the policy mistakes a senator made while serving as governor.

The president and his administration must repel the recommendations of the static thinkers, for the sake of future Republican candidates and the economy at large.

Ohio's State Tax burden is now # 3 in the country. It is indeed high time that Root-Canal Republicans get brought to the political woodshed. Voting for a tax-cutter, like Blackwell, is a good first step.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.