Saturday, September 17, 2005

GOP Dumps Conservatives

Why its depressing to be a conservative right now.

1. Bush is attempting to outspend Clinton, LBJ, and FDR in Katrina's aftermath.
2. Bush is trying to legalize illegal immigration.
3. Bush has already spent drunkenly in the 5 years that hea has been in office.
4. The Rep. leadership in both House and Senate spends like a Parliament of whores
5. Majority Leader Frist flip-flopped on supporting embryonic stem-cell research.
6. Ohio's Governor Bob Taft spends like Bush, is a criminal, and almost caused the GOP to lose Bob Portman's Ohio seat.

There are reasons why to be happy. We shall enumerate those later.

E-mail me with suggestions to any list.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

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