Saturday, January 22, 2005

Nader update

The Nader section has been improved and re-edited and the 'Challengers' section is continuously being updated.

Wednesday's on this blog are also Victory Wednesdays at . Support your GOP candidate's unless they betray conservativism

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A Brief Tour

Dear Readers,

Here's a brief tour of what you will see when viewing the website:

1) We have summarized an analyzed the entire Nader - Blackwell soap opera as it played out during the final months of the 2004 General Election.

2) We provide a brief picture of Ohio's race for Governor by reproducing four different polls. Currently Blackwell leads in the polls, which bodes well for him, but the governor's race is still about 2 years away, so read the polls with a grain of salt.

3) We are currently summarizing and analyzing the entire 'Challengers' - Blackwell boxing match as it has slowly developed for the past 4+ years.

4) The final section is the usual hodge-podge of blog posts (can there be any other in blogdom?)about the 2004 General Election, Ohio politics, and Liberal, Democratic absurdity.
Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.

Monday, January 03, 2005

light blogging

Dear Loyal Readers,

Blogging will remain light for the next couple of weeks as university has not resumed its semester. Therefore, I spend time at my dayjob and with the family. This dispersal of my limited time leaves me with little or no left-over time to blog. So until 7-8 days hence, blogging will be not very much.

Enjoy the innaugaration.

-- Update: -- University is now back in session, so blogging will become heavier.

Please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief with any questions.